Tea for men: or would they rather have coffee?

Tea for men, or coffee? It is one of those discussions that are always interesting to have, but never seem ...

Tea for men, or coffee? It is one of those discussions that are always interesting to have, but never seem to be resolved. Potentially because there is not one definitive answer. If we reformulate the question by removing ‘for men’, it becomes more existential: tea, or coffee? It has to do with flavors on one hand, but undoubtedly with the amount of energy both beverages (seem to) provide when drunk in the morning. There can be a lot of factors determining the choice between either tea or coffee, and in this article we will try to name some. Let’s dive in.

Factors that play a role

As we stated before, flavor is one of the most important factors that determine whether someone would like tea or coffee. If someone doesn’t appreciate a watery flavor (except for when someone is in fact drinking water), it is pretty safe to assume someone will favor coffee over tea (assuming that the coffee is of a certain strength and not too watery itself). Secondly, the moment of the day can have a big influence. Someone is more likely to drink coffee in the morning as it is said to provide energy or a wake up boost in the form of caffeïne, whereas tea would be preferable at three in the afternoon (as a little pickmeup). 

So, coffee or tea?

In all honesty, it is impossible to say. As we have learned in the beginning, it depends on a lot of factors that are very personal and are difficult to measure. It would be almost impossible to take into account all the different variables that are possible. It is really a matter of personal taste and that taste can be formed and influenced by dozens of things. And, not to be forgotten, tea doesn’t exclude coffee or vice versa. Someone can appreciate tea more at this point, whilst craving coffee more at another point in time. There is no way of knowing as it is all personal and depends on time, place, mood and all other sorts of variables.

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